About Us


About Us


About Us

The CEO, Demetrice Faulk-Keizer worked in healthcare for over 20 years. She worked with Geriatric patients for 17 years. Her passion for people and making a difference has always been the forefront of everything she does. Over the years, hearing patients tell stories about missing a special event, appointment or surgery always stuck with her. Our health is important and transportation should be our least worry. You Matter Transportation will always work hard to make clients feel comfortable and safe every time, every ride. Demetrice has always lived by the morals treat people how you want to be treated. She enjoys meeting new people. She believes we do not always meet people by coincidence and can always take something from the conversation had or gesture made. Life is precious, continue to make memories with the ones you love.

Our Mission

We want to provide the best quality non-emergency transportation service to our community and surrounding cities. From being disabled, needing therapy, surgery, doctor’s visit etc. If needing us for only one time or a life-time we are here to help. We do not just want to provide a service, but be a support system, a friend or just your trusted transporter. You matter to us, and we will make sure you feel that every time we interact.

What We Offer

Hospital Discharge

Adult Care/Nursing Facilities

Medical Appointments

Pharmacies (medication pick up)